ROZALUTA - Production of traditional Bulgaria's yogurt


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Available until Until funded
  • Name: ROZALUTA - Production of traditional Bulgaria's yogurt
  • Founded year: 2017
  • Description: Bulgari traditional yogurt is the first yogurt product in Vietnam to be produced by traditional Bulgarian technology. This is a product with an extremely high ratio of beneficial bacteria, helping users see improved digestion within 48 hours. The product has been brought to the market and evaluated by many consumers as having immediate and long-term effects on the digestive system and health. Especially for people with: stomach, colon, diabetes…. The yogurt production process ROZALUTA is checked and recognized by the competent authorities in Vietnam. In particular, yogurt products ROZALUTA were brought to Sofia, Bulgaria for testing and recognized for their quality as traditional Bulgarian yogurt.
  • Country: Viet Nam
  • City/Province: Hải Phòng
  • Website:

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Total investment so far $217,000
Before funding valuation $435,000
Raise amount $87,000
In exchange of 0%
Stage of funding Seed